Call for Proposals (2025)

A Live Long and Well Partnership: Investing in Innovations Bolstering Economic Mobility and Healthy Longevity in Boston 


The Live Long and Well Partnership is excited to announce a funding opportunity of up to $5 million provided by Atrius Health Equity Foundation to support place-based coalitions, partnerships and/or collaboratives working together to advance health equity in Boston by enhancing economic mobility and financial security among Boston residents, in three communities disproportionately impacted by a higher burden of cardiometabolic disease: Dorchester, Mattapan, and Roxbury. This funding opportunity is being administered by the Atrius Health Equity Foundation.


This funding opportunity is the first to come out of the Live Long and Well Partnership, announced in July 2024 by the City of Boston. The Live Long and Well Partnership is a multi-sector partnership between the City of Boston, Boston Public Health Commission, Atrius Health Equity Foundation, and the Boston Community Health Collaborative. The Partnership aims to address racial, ethnic, and neighborhood gaps in health outcomes, support community-led priorities, and promote healthier, longer lives for all Boston residents.

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support place-based efforts to mobilize innovative, community-driven collaborations to address the economic and structural factors that contribute to cardiometabolic health inequities. This opportunity focuses on economic mobility and inclusion because economic factors, such as higher levels of education and household income, are associated with cardiometabolic disease risk. Furthermore, economic mobility and inclusion have been identified as a key priority in the 2022–2025 Boston Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). This funding opportunity was developed with input from a community advisory committee.


This funding opportunity seeks to support local non-profit organizations that are headquartered in Massachusetts and that are serving residents in one of the following Boston neighborhoods: Dorchester, Mattapan, or Roxbury.

The project must include established or emerging coalitions, collaborations or partnerships representing multiple sectors working to align their services and increase coordination of services.

For more details on eligibility, please review the Call for Proposals.

How to Apply:

Applications must be submitted through our grant application portal. Here are application portal instructions. Applications must be received by 12 PM ET on March 12, 2025. It is strongly recommended that applications be submitted in advance of this deadline, as the Foundation may not extend the deadline in the event of technical or other submission difficulties.

Key Dates

Please check back regularly for updates and links.

  • Informational webinar: January 29, 2025, 10-11 AM ET (registration).

  • Office hours:

  • Final FAQs posted: February 27, 2025, by 5 PM ET

  • Full applications due: March 12, 2025 by 12 PM ET

  • Finalists to be announced (estimated): June 2025

RFP Materials